Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dove Campaign

I liked the message of the Dove campaign videos we watched in class, so I decided to check the other ones out after class. Some people may criticize these videos for being over the top but I think the media goes too far portraying beauty and body image to our society. This was illustrated in the video with the little girl who had thousands of images flashed past her throughout the day. Many people are affected by these images, especially when reading billboards or magazines, and these images may also affect people unconsciously. Even though I like reading magazines, I have to keep in mind that the models are not real people since many of them have been altered by a computer to fit the ideal standard of beauty. I think more campaigns celebrating the importance of real beauty should be advertised to our society because these standards and stereotypes have gotten ridiculous.


Selina J said...

I also enjoy the Dove campaign message because of the healthy body image that is portrayed. It is very realistic. Women can relate with the message beause they are seeing women with bodies like their own for once. I think the Dove campaign is a step in the right direction for changing the way women are portrayed in the media and the standard of beauty society wants us to live up to.

Sara S said...

I agree with both of you. I actually watched the videos again today because I wanted to see what other ones they displayed. One of the videos was of a boy standing outside of a girl's house shouting her name. She never responds. Then they flash a message that says she can think of a dozen things that is wrong with her appearance...he can't think of one. Although its a bit fluff and unfortunately unrealistic I think Dove is doing a wonderful job conveying positive messages to women. The question is, however, how can they say this and then continue selling products such as firming cream? It's a paradoxical message they are sending.

Emily S said...

I also agree. I know that my view of beauty has been altered by what has been shown by the media. Even though I try not to, I compare myself to the women on T.V., thinking that I'm not as beautiful as them. The thing is, they aren't even real. I think that what the Dove campaign is doing is great and I hope that others will follow in their footsteps.

Meridith D said...

I agree with everyone's comments! I also think it is ridiculous what the advertising industry trains us into thinking beauty is something that we all can (and should) acheive. They say beauty can be achieved but how do they get to pin point what beauty is especially when they are relating it to people that they alter in magazine. The Dove campaign is a great way to get out the message that we cannot and should not feel bad about not having cellulite or perfect skin, or perfect body. I just wish they might advertise it more. Maybe on their product in the store, telling poeple to check it out!! I think that would be an even bigger step in the right direction!

Dayna C said...

I like Meredith's comment about more of these types of positive messages in our daily lives. I feel like Dove has touched on a topic that has been simmering in the backs of women's minds for quite some time. I wish that this topic had come to the foreground in some other institution rather than advertising. Dove's first priority is the consuming of their products. Their game is making sure women feel the need to better their appearances with cosmetics. I hope this campaign and others like it help our culture make a commitment to changing some of its unrealistic and harmful ideas of beauty.

Sean M said...

It is easy in today's world to get lost in what beauty really is. Most people feel that the the advertising industry promotes a false light on how a person should or shouldn't look. I personally enjoyed these ads even though they were so controversial that they were only aired on television once. It goes to show that not everything you see in the media is real, and how they distort the truth.

Katelyn R said...

I think people should be allowed to change whatever they want about themselves if it makes them happy, but the commercial with the little girl made me think that if I ever had a daughter I wouldn't ever want her to change anything about herself! People really need to try and not let their own issues affect children who aren't supposed to even think about that kind of thing!