Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Boys vs. Girls toys

I was really interested in our conversation in class last week about how boys and girls are directed towards certain colors and toys from birth. My brother-in-law is a perfect example of a person who is responsible for assisting children in what they should play with or like. My sister and brother-in-law have two children, a three year old girl and a two year old boy. They designed the girl's room in pink and purple with princess dolls, Barbies, and ponies. My nephew's room was immediately themed in sports since the day he was born. My brother-in-law purchased trucks, planes, robots, and space toys for my nephew and encourages him to be interested in watching sports with his daddy. However, my sister stays at home with her kids and teaches both my niece and nephew that it doesn't matter what toys you play with. Although my brother-in-law is learning and understanding that it is not right to assign gender to toys, he reacted interestingly to my sister's Christmas list for their son which had a tea set on it. He is slowly getting over this phase of wanting his son to be a macho man. This has been a learning experience for me as well because as hard as it is with media and toy store selections, I want to allow my children to pick and play with what toys they want.

I wanted to research more about experiences with gender specific toys and found this website. Check it out!:

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