Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Weird Friends-juvenile nonfiction

Hey Guys,

I just wanted to share with you a great book where kids can learn science while having fun. For my SME class we were given individual topics to present and research on. I was given patterns of relationships between organisms. I had a very hard time coming across books that demonstrated this topic to younger children. However, I ended up finding a wonderful book called Weird Friends:Unlikely Allies in the Animal Kingdom by Jose Aruego and Ariane Dewey. This book teaches kids symbiosis in a friendly and fun way. It explains that even though we think animals hurt each other in certain relationships, they are forming partnerships that may even help each other. The text in the story never ends bad or sadly. For example in a predator-prey relationship they will explain that the predator sneaks up on the prey but then they end the paragraph with the traits that the prey has to escape.
The artwork is great in this book. The illustrations are swirled with watercolors and have very vibrant and bold colors. Although you can see in the drawings that some of the animals in the pictures are not happy with the result of their partnership, this book is one of the lest violent ones that I have seen. As I mentioned before, every paragraph ends with a happy and safe ending. I believe that the emotions on the animals faces are there to let the reader know who is unhappy and who is benefiting from the relationship.
Overall, this is a great book when teaching kids about organism relationships and partnerships without being violent and depressing. I know that I will be using this book as a resource for my SME class and when teaching about this topic.

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