Thursday, April 10, 2008

Session 13: Group choice and Pol/Econ of Reading

Hi everyone,

It's amazing that next session will be our last "real" session before the final exam session. This semester has gone by so fast! We'll have three foci: your small group book choice discussions; the politics and economics of storyselling; and preparing for the final exam. To prepare, please:
  • Read and complete your role responses for class. Although I realize that you've seen your group members do your roles, I still encourage you to reread the syllabus to clarify what you need to do. (For facilitators and artistic responses, this includes writing a paper before AND after the session.)
  • Read: Hade (2002): “Storyselling: Are Publishers Changing the Way Children Read?" AND/OR Kohn (1995): “A lot of fat kids who don’t like to read”. Come prepared with a hard copy of your article and ready to discuss and debate the highlights of the article. (There will be a quiz!)
  • Although I'll accept them during the final exam session, you can hand in your blog participation log (last page of the syllabus) as well.
We'll also do some end of the year wrap-up like SIRS forms and feedback, so we'll be busy!

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