Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Two poetry events!

Poem in Your Pocket
Thursday, April 17th

The Academy of American Poets has declared "Poem in Your Pocket" to be the theme of the 2008 National Poetry Month. They are encouraging all of us to put a poem, or poems, in our pocket (small poems) on Thursday, April 17th, and as we go through the day, reach into our pockets and pull out those poems to share with folks we encounter. You could have ten copies of the same poem in your pocket, or ten different poems. Or twenty. Or thirty.


College of Education Evening of Poetry
Wednesday, April 23, 7:00 p.m., Erickson 252

April is Poetry Month, and once again the College of Education is holding a Trillium Evening of Poetry. The evening will feature poetry by Laura Apol and Janine Certo. Open mike time will include readings by staff, students and faculty across departments and levels. Music of any form is also welcome.

Please consider participating in any way you wish: read an original work, read a favorite piece by another writer, read a translation or a poem in your own language, be a part of the audience, bring students and friends. If you are a visual artist, please consider displaying your work; if you are a musician, please consider performing.

Open mike readers and musicians will be given 3-5 minutes for their performance; please plan accordingly.
We are looking forward to another wonderful evening. Please plan to join us, and please announce this event to your classes and to the elementary, middle and high school teachers and students with whom you work.

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