Monday, April 21, 2008

TE348= Best Class!

I just wanted to take a second to reflect on this past semester. I really enjoyed this class a lot. Going into this semester I was very hesitant about this class. Growing up I was not much of a reader. The first couple of weeks I didn't have a lot to contribute to the class because I was unfamiliar with children's books. I didn't want to become the teacher who doesn't incorporate reading into the classroom, only because I am hesitant about literature. I was hoping that this class would broaden my horizons to learn and engaged in children's literature and it did just that! 
After the first group discussion I just fell in love with this class. I really liked how the class was set up and I enjoyed how much of an input we had in the course. The discussion were very insightful and interesting. 
I really liked this class is how all TE classes should be. Being engaged and involved in the learning process throughout really helped me connect to each and every book we discussed at a personal level. I have a whole new attitude towards reading. I loved the books that were covered, and I loved analyzing them on a deeper level. This class was amazing, I loved every bit of it! :) I'm sure many of you feel the same way!

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