Monday, April 21, 2008

Some housekeeping

Here are a couple of housekeeping reminders:
  • Don't forget to bring your record of blogging to class. If you do, you need to email me the information ASAP.
  • For those who had facilitator and artistic response roles for group choice, don't forget to submit your second papers!
  • Rather than using the SASE method of returning finals, I'll email within a week to let you know your grade on the final and any comments that will help clarify the grade.
  • By your final session (today for section 001 and Thursday for section 003), you should have received all assignments back with feedback. If you haven't, there's been a glitch. (Although I sent them, it seems like a number of people didn't get their Uglies responses back.) Please email me and I'll resend whatever you are missing. (Be specific about which paper you are missing.)
After grades are in I'll go through your feedback forms and post at least one more time to let you know how I'll use your feedback in my teaching next semester! (And I'm very happy to continue our discussions on this blog. I keep my "subscriptions" even after the class ends!)

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