Jumanji a creative children’s book about siblings, Judy and Peter, who are alone in their upper class home bored leading them to the park where they find a board game, “Jumanji-A Jungle Adventure Game.” The children began playing the game and find themselves in an assortment of predicaments. These events develop as the children roll the dice trying to move their pieces across the board and out of the jungle. The climax is reached when jungle animals surround them and Judy has the pressure to roll a twelve in order for the game to be complete. She does just that and shouts, “Jumanji!” and the chaos of the house disappears. The theme was revealed when Judy realizes to stop the craziness they must continue the game until they are out of the jungle. Showing the theme of finishing what you start.
Using charcoal drawings and surrealistic art the audience is sucked into the story by both text and illustrations. The drawings are all very textured and detailed. Illustrations are placed on a full page on the right page with a white boarder. The main objects in the illustrations are the largest in the drawing with some 3.D characteristics. The tension of the text is felt as the illustrations grow darker or lighter with the lighter pages feeling the safest.
Jumanji a fantasy, Caldecott Medal book told in 3rd person has simple text and eye-catching illustrations appropriate for imaginative elementary readers and has a theme relative to all ages of life.
Did you say, in your oral presentation, that you found some resources that helped you think about the book? If so, would you list them so that we can all access them?
My main resources I used were biography information found online about the author and also our Children's Literature text book which stated a lot about this authors style of illustrations.
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