Monday, March 10, 2008

Spring Book Sale

hey everyone!

I don't know about you guys, but I love to read. I love to read but I hate to pay full price for good books. Well, the East Lansing Public Library is holding a spring book sale. You can purchase tons of barely used books for great prices!

They fill their entire meeting room with hardcovers, paperbacks, kids' books.. you name it! Hardcovers are only a dollar, paperbacks fifty cents, and children's books are a mere quarter! These are some great books for unbeatable prices. You could start building your teaching collection today!

If you don't feel like purchasing any books or your bookcase is too full- feel free to donate some from your collection! You can drop those books off at the Circulation desk during regular hours.

The book sale is
April 26: 10am-5
April 27: 1-3pm (on this day you get to fill a bag full of books for only $3)

Hopefully I will see you all there!

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