Monday, March 31, 2008

Relay for Life

One day. One night. One community. Your Relay For Life® is about celebration, remembrance, and hope. By participating, you honor cancer survivors, pay tribute to the lives we've lost to the disease, and raise money to help fight it all right here in your community. You won't want to miss one moment of this life- and community-affirming event!

Relay for Life - MSU is April 18th and 19th on the track next to Spartan Stadium. This is a life changing event. If anyone is interested PLEASE contact me! We are always looking for walkers and donations!

To get more information please go to our web site at :
Or contact me at


MSU Guest said...

I have noticed that people seem to be really interested in helping people and getting involve with the community. I am aware of two events in April that do just that. The first one is The 2nd Annual FOSO 5k Walk/Run which benefits children suffering from HIV/Aids in Kenya. That one is on April 19th, for more information Facebook Search it and you can find the group. The second one is the Susan G. Komen For The Cure Greater Lansing which is also a walk/run on April 27th and there is also a FB group on this one. So I encourage you guys to go check it out. It is all for a good cause!!

MSU Guest said...

above comment by Jaime.