Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Speak By Laurie Halse Anderson

Hey Class,

My group chose Speak for our groups book choice. I feel as though I didn't quite give it the best representation in class. It really is a great read, coming from an adult! I know summer is approaching and you probably have your mind set on just the opposite of reading. Sooo, I wanted to recommend the movie. I'm not sure if I mentioned it in class. I rented it from Blockbuster Video, it's in the Drama section. It's only like $4.00. Speak the movie is almost an exact replica of the book. Some of you might recognize it as a Life Time movie. Rape is a very serious topic, however, the movie does a splendid job of adding some High School humor to the whole production. This movie/book is a very interesting take on this subject. I highly recommend you guys take the time to watch the movie ( 1 hour and 30 min.) or read the book (198 pages) this summer. I promise you will truly enjoy yourself! Good-luck and I hope you all have a wonderful summer!



Matty said...

My group decided to do Twisted by Laurie Halse Anderson four our group choice. I thought this book was a great read. On the back of the book, it mentions Anderson's other book, Speak. If it is anything like Twisted I am sure that it will be just as good a book to read. Dealing with topics like suicide and sexual assault are hard to write about, btu Anderson does it with class while still keeping the text interesting.

carlyk said...

I also thought that our book, the Lorax by Dr. Suess was misrepresented in class. It appeared as if we had made a stupid choice in picking a Dr. Suess book and there was not enough information to grasp onto. However, I feel that any book that is being banned in parts of the country should indeed be talked about. I truly thought the Lorax gave a very simplistic message on preserving our earth and do not understand why people are opposed to this. Yes, situations are always complicated, in this case, logging industries getting angry and involved but It is simply a children's book and people are reading to far into this! I think that every child should read the Lorax to get a basic unsersatnding of what pollution can do to our earth.

Valerie W. said...

I like the "Lorax" for its clear and inspiring environmental message, but I would be worried if that was the only book that kids saw. As you said, environmental problems are complicated and controversial and I think students need to have opportunities to grapple with that complexity. (I have similar problems with lots of books that are didactic.)

The concern I had around group choice was that the person doing literary/textual response wouldn't have enough to work with...

As an aside, I think it's healthy when we have differences in interpretation and opinion voiced in the class!