Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dove Campaign for Real Beauty

Today in class we talked about how The Uglies relates to Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty. My group discussed these videos and how they relate to the themes in The Uglies. Here is a link to the website. We watched the first two videos in class today.
Kayla and I were talking about a club called RUBI (Respecting and Understanding Body Image). I also really like this YouTube video that I saw at a RUBI meeting. Check it out and tell me what you think! By the way, if you are interested in this kind of thing and want to get involved, you might want to check out a RUBI meeting next year (they just had their last one of this year).


Abby W. said...

I really enjoyed watching the first videos on the dove website. Ever since having that discussion in class and seeing this video I realized that most models, actresses and everyone else you see on TV do not actually look like that. It takes a lot of time and effort and money to become like them and I believe that it is wrong for young girls to think that everyone looks like that. Like in that video, most things young girls see on TV are out of reach for them. They and I need to realize that everyone around us has flaws and that is ok. Having flaws make you different and that DIFFERENT is normal.

SarahO said...

I have always loved Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty. It is great that such a prominent company has been advertsising this imagine of normal, healthy women. The whole concept is exactly what America needs and is very empowering for women who aren't stick thin. When comparing this to the ideals held in Uglies, it is so contrasting. Uglies promotes thinness, perfection, and utter gorgeousness. Dove's ads teach us to feel ok in our own skin, teaches us that we don't have to be perfect to be considered beautiful. In the video I watched from the Dove website, the women are thought to be beautiful, as held in the opinion of society, and the Uglies book. It is amazing because the kids in Uglies grow up and spend their entire lives wanting to be flawless and beautiful, like the women in our ads and media. However, in our society many do not want children growing up thinking they have to look like these women (as illustrated in the commercial), that it is ok to be flawed because that is what makes people unique and beautiful. Dove does a great job at contrasting the standard ideas of beauty as viewed in Uglies, as well as the world's that we live in today.

Holly K said...

I have watched this before but didnt really think about it too much until you mentioned it.

Like Sarah had said, I as well always loved Dove's Campaign. There needs to be more involvement with companies to encourage women to be comfortable in their own skin, and understand that we are all beautiful.

I'm not sure who exactally gave the presentation, but in our last class the powerpoint given or the artistic reaction of uglies touched on this alot. (You did a great job btw).

CorianneO said...

I had never heard about the dove campaign until our class discussion. I really enjoyed the videos in class, and I wanted to learn more. I find it very interesting that Dove is a beauty company, yet they are trying to help erase the modern stereotype of beauty. I think these videos should be viewed by many people of all ages to help break the "what a beautiful person should look like" stereotype.
I really liked the YouTube video as well. It's a video that sends a powerful message to our society, and once again should be viewed by many.